Yesterday, I was able to convert some of my reel to reel degree recital music to CD format and then post several pieces from a recital I gave at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. That recital may seem vintage to some since it was recorded on Oct. 20, 1978. A couple of years ago, I began to transfer reel to reel and cassette tapes of my performances (organ) as well as my wife's performances (piano) to CD. I hope eventually to have all of our performances on CD as a gift to our children and grandchildren. We are in our late 60's but still play and perform regularly, perhaps not at the intensity in the days of our youth. Nonetheless, it has been exciting to "look back" and listen to performances in which we labored hours to perfect. The following 4 links will take you to 4 different organ pieces which I played as part of an organ degree program on Oct. 23, 1978--"back in the day", some would say.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed playing the pieces. Here are the links:
- Prelude and Fugue in G major by J. S. Bach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yT9XN1oILg
- Paul Hindemith's Organ Sonata #1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj2NVOhzzbM
- Cesar Franck's Chorale #1 in E Major: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhosf52oiOM
- Felix Mendelssohn's Organ Sonata #6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APMip5KmzlY
Hi Red,
I enjoyed listening to your stuff on YouTube! It transported me to the 18th century, and then the 19th, and now I'm back to today. But then I love listening to yours and Glenda's stuff every week; it blesses me, and though your fingers make the music, all glory goes to God.
If you want to see my latest feeble-minded junk, haiku, sestina, sonnet, free verse, et al, look to http://donaldlindsey.wordpress.com/
I think I smell a haiku which directly references your stuff on Carmina ad Gloriae Dei. Thanks for the tunes.
Your comment is appreciated. We are kindred spirits in so many ways. I will visit Carmina ad Gloriae Dei to feast upon what makes you tick (haiku, setina, snooet, free verse, et al).
I'm dogsitting with computer privilges at a neighbors....how kind, but it is late and I don't have time to listen. But, I think I am going back into the recording business myself. I just found out from my funeral home that I can make my own CD for my last wishes folder! How cool will that be?! I think I should do it soon. I didn't like playing with nine digits last year. I have planned it for summer 2012. My reel to reel takes are long gone! I just loved hearing you both play over LaborDay weekend at church. Fabulous O Masters of the keys! lv u.
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